
Animal Energy World Academy

Accredited Courses available for EFT with Animals & Dowsing.

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I hope these studies of animals  may inspire and help you see the many ways we can help our animals. Often we worry and feel helpless with our pets and even if in s situation where we cant help a wild animal. These are just a few of the many cases I have worked with.

Tapping and the Wolf (dog)  

This is a study I love of a neighbours wolf breed dog called Shawnee that I worked with. Unforunately she has passed away now but it was such a privilege to get to know her.

The gentle giants sums up Shawnee.

Download here¨Tapping and the Wolf¨

The Injured Dove

This particular incident happened on our land. The dove had grown up here from being born and we saw it being attacked by a sparrow hawk and then our own dogs traumatised it more by running after it when it fell.

Not imagining it would survive, I tapped with it very gently through surrogate.

A lovely story with a happy ending.

Download here ¨The Injured Dove¨

Forgiveness and the Spider

Many of us including myself get accustomed to speedy results with EFT, particularly pain.

Often pain will reduce quite quickly with continuous tapping.

This wasnt happening with this particularly painful jumping spider bite.

Even with all my skills as a trainer, I could not understand what else to tap on.

Then read the article on a surprising element I introduced. ¨Forgiveness and the Spider¨


There is a fully illustrated e-book with Marie's own photographs and her animals and insect studies taken

over years of working with animals. It's a great little book at encouraging and an introduction to using

Emotional Freedom Techniques with your own animals. You can purchase it here at only £6.95.




       The Injured Dove

Forgiveness and the Spider

 Fully illustrated only £6.95